*Please note: Pool temperatures listed are for reference only and can vary by up to ±0.5°F.
Turkey Trot
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Sunset Recreation Center
1120 Broadway, Seaside
Join us for a 5K fun run/walk through downtown Seaside on Thanksgiving Day! Check-in begins at 8am at the south entrance of the Sunset Recreation Center and the race starts at 9am!
$35 entry fee includes a t-shirt (while supplies last, pre-event registration encouraged). Registration is open!
Turkey Trot Route:
Start at Sunset Recreation Center, West on Broadway to Turnaround, South on Prom to Ave. U, North on Prom to 1st Ave., East to Holladay Dr., South to Broadway, East to starting point at Sunset Recreation Center. (See map below.)
Thank you to our sponsors!
A portion of this project was made possible through a grant from the City of
Seaside Tourism Advisory Committee, funded by room tax dollars.


Seaside Tourism Grant
Imagination Factory
2024 Turkey Trot Route: